Snapped Photo Competition Rhema Calendar Section Tcs & Cs - CRC International

Terms and Conditions for the Rhema Media Calendar section entries

Rhema Media Inc. is a not-for-profit incorporated society and a registered charity with Charities Services. It owns and operates nationwide media networks Rhema, Star, Life FM, and Shine TV and publishes two quarterly devotionals: The Word For Today and Word For You Today.
Each year, Rhema Media publishes a calendar. A portion of the calendar print is given away to key stakeholders with the remainder being sold to raise funds.

This year, Rhema Media are partnering with Christian Resources and Lightchasers Rentals to offer Kiwi photographers an exciting new opportunity by opening a new section of the competition, the Rhema Media Calendar Section. The objective is for Rhema Media to source images for their 2025 calendar through Snapped. There will be a $50 Rubber Monkey voucher awarded for each selected image. Additionally, each photographer’s name will be featured alongside their image in the calendar.

By entering the Rhema Media Calendar Section of Snapped, you agree to all the terms and conditions that apply to the Snapped Photography Competition in general and in addition you agree to allow Rhema Media specifically to use your image/s as part of their 2025 calendar.

Please note:
• For the Rhema Media Calendar section only landscape orientation/aspect images will be accepted.
• Rhema Media will select the images they will use in the calendar, and these may or may not be the same as those chosen as finalists by the Snapped competition judges.